Here is a quick update due to the Ledger hack that was just reported.
Official announcement from Ledger:
“We have identified and removed a malicious version of the Ledger Connect Kit.
A genuine version is being pushed to replace the malicious file now. Do not interact with any dApps for the moment. We will keep you informed as the situation evolves. Your Ledger device and Ledger Live were not compromised.”
As you might know, fxhash 2.0 launched today. The team says it is safe to interact with fxhash; use a burner or secondary wallet for extra security.
Official announcement from fxhash:
“We are aware of the ongoing ledger connect kit exploit.
fxhash does not use Ledger connect kit so if you are using fxhash, there is no issue, and you are safe. moreover, Ledger is pushing a fix for this right now (double safe).
you should never interact with web3 from a cold wallet/your ledger anyway.”
Richard Nadler Inzani Islands which was featured on Tuesday's newsletter has been postponed...
'Due to a significant hack designed to drain wallets, I have made the difficult decision to postpone the Izanami Islands drop to next week. I want to protect my community and collectors and would never want to put you at risk.
Therefore we shifted the Izanami Islands drop date to Tuesday 19th December! Thank you for your understanding. Please be safe today. We will all get through this together, and will be better for it.'
More news from Ledger:
The malicious version of the file was replaced with the genuine version at around 2:35pm CET.
The new genuine version should be propagated soon.
We will provide a comprehensive report as soon as it’s ready.
Richard Nadler Inzani Islands which was featured on Tuesday's newsletter has been postponed...
'Due to a significant hack designed to drain wallets, I have made the difficult decision to postpone the Izanami Islands drop to next week. I want to protect my community and collectors and would never want to put you at risk.
Therefore we shifted the Izanami Islands drop date to Tuesday 19th December! Thank you for your understanding. Please be safe today. We will all get through this together, and will be better for it.'