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_5_ things worth sharing about generative and AI art

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Hi friends! I hope you had a fantastic weekend.

To make the weekly digests more concise, I will now limit updates to 5 items and share them on Fridays instead of Mondays, starting next week.

As they say, “less is more”.

Here are 5 things I thought were worth sharing in the digital art space:

1. Last week, I shared the story behind an iconic portrait 👉 DECENTRALIZED: The Story Behind Hic Et Nunc Founder's Iconic Portrait (this issue is for premium members only).

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2. The announced their upcoming Limited Collections, starting in early May 👉 Read the announcement.

3. [Upcoming collection] “la caverna” by Marcelo Soria-Rodríguez via Vertical Crypto Art

la caverna deals with the impossibility of seeing the absolute truth given our subjective minds and our subjective world. The title is a tribute to Plato’s allegory of the Cave, included in his work Republic.

  • Release date: April 26, 12:00 PM CST

  • Editions: 150

  • Pricing: Dutch Auction 2 → 0.15 Eth

This artwork is powered by Art Blocks Engine.

“la caverna” by Marcelo Soria-Rodríguez via Vertical Crypto Art, powered by Art Blocks Engine.

4. What I am reading…

In New York City, I was lucky to get a copy of Sasha Stile’s TECHNELEGY.

With digital immortality making headlines, stories about robot companions going viral, and crypto upending reality as we know it, it's time to ask: what does it mean to be human in a nearly post-human era?

Sasha Stile’s TECHNELEGY - What does it mean to be human in a nearly post-human era?

Sasha Stile’s TECHNELEGY - What does it mean to be human in a nearly post-human era?

5. Last week, an AI song — Heart on My Sleeve — generated from Drake’s and The Weeknd's voice history, went viral on Spotify. It caused an earthquake in the music industry, prompting the music label to request its ban.

In response, artist Grimez offered a 50% royalty split on any successful AI-generated song that uses his voice.

Artist Grimez offered a 50% royalty split on any successful AI-generated song that uses his voice, in response to AI-generated Heart on My Sleeve by Drake and The Weeknd.

Artist Grimez offered a 50% royalty split on any successful AI-generated song that uses his voice, in response to AI-generated Heart on My Sleeve by Drake and The Weeknd.

I’ve been working on a new market analysis for artworks released on verse.works, it should be ready soon, so stay tuned!

Until next time,

- Kaloh

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