Joyn launches Composer after co-creating with over 30k artists

A review of Joyn's Composer and why I am excited about it...

gm friends!

Today I’m very excited to partner with to share a deep dive into their platform —an ecosystem to co-create and highlight art, projects, and communities that I had the chance to collaborate on a few times in the past.

What is

Joyn specializes in supporting digital creators through different co-creation possibilities. Just in the last year, nearly 500 digital and physical open calls were created for events in more than 20 countries, receiving over 180,000 submissions from over 30,000 artists!

I’ve used it to organize the Blind Gallery Art Incubator, and plenty of events I’ve been to, like NFT Show Europe, and NFC, have used Joyn to foster collaboration and host exhibitions. In many cases, winners also get rewarded with monetary prizes.

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Joyn’s Composer

So why am I writing about Joyn today?

Two weeks ago, I was invited to test and try their Composer, which lets communities run the full-cycle curation process.  I had to share my thoughts as I believe those could be extremely useful for artists, curators, collectors, and also, writers.

Joyn’s Composer launch partners have tested their new offering and provided feedback along the way.

Joyn’s Composer launch partners have tested their new offering and provided feedback.

Let’s get into the new possibilities first:

1. Create Stories

You can use a mix of on & off-chain assets across a multiplicity of marketplaces, elevating the content within your blogs, articles, and publications.

2. Curate Showcases

Perfect for collectors and curators to elevate their favorite artists and artworks. You can create showcases, drops, and themed curations, with curator fees. Curators can list artists within a showcase, who will then be notified that they have been exclusively selected to be listed on Joyn.

3. Compose open calls, contests, and exhibitions.

You can source artwork using themes, prompts, and set specific requirements. Reward participants for submitting their art.

Joyn Use Cases

Over the past week, launch partners have been playing with the composer, and there have been some exciting results.

If you’re interested in creating a showcase, story, and more, visit and apply for early access!

If you’re interested in creating a showcase, story, and more, visit and apply for early access!

1. Open Call: Patrick Amadon’s Monthly Art Catalog

A monthly decentralized, chain-, and platform- agnostic art exhibition to highlight the latest digital art. By artists, for artists. With its latest issue in August, over 30K of art has been collected across a multiplicity of platforms from some of the most notable collectors.

Look at this gallery containing a selection of artists whose works were collected from the previous 404 July Art Catalog open call.

Patrick Amadon’s Art Catalog runs every month and is a great way to discover, collect and celebrate digital art.

Patrick Amadon’s Art Catalog runs monthly and is a great way to discover, collect and celebrate digital art.

👉 Active Open Call: SuperRare Open Call - Get Your Art on SuperRare with Montage.

2. Showcase: ZEITGEIST

A group showcase including 33 Artists, focusing on the empowerment of modern techniques within artistic expression. Works that make viewers question, think, and experience from the frame of the most modern lens of the emerging Web3 Art Culture.

A contemporary moment of Web 3 art culture. Welcome to Zeitgeist.

A contemporary moment of Web 3 art culture. Welcome to Zeitgeist.

👉 Tidal by Transient Labs and Cellscapes by evbuilds are more examples of how Joyn’s Showcases can be used to curate exhibitions.

3. Story: Ana Isabel Hewlett - Goddess Story #1

In this interview, Andrea Reade explores the fine art photography of Portuguese digital artist Ana Isabel Hewlett. Stories are extremely flexible and can be used for essays, interviews, news, and content, with the added value of linking on-chain assets.

The Ocean Queen by Ana Isabel Hewlett.

The Ocean Queen by Ana Isabel Hewlett.

👉 Here is another interesting read – A story about Buba Viedma —by Michael Chester— an artist, and illustrator who uses surrealism, symbolism of dreams, and a dark sense of humor.

Why am I particularly excited about it?

Two main reasons.

For a long time, I’ve wished there was a place where you could curate and earn royalties based on sales. It feels like a natural way for art fans to elevate their favorite pieces and artists while getting rewarded. I know Foundation exists, but it is different as you must curate a world, which requires setting up the exhibition with new pieces and coordinating with the artists.

What I find valuable and innovative about the Joyn composer is that you can curate showcases using any NFT, old or new, owned or not, without asking permission. No friction.

Secondly, telling stories on the blockchain isn’t as easy as it should be. You might be thinking, what about It feels like the audience isn’t tailored to art and collecting. Things are different with Joyn, as their audience is tailored to artists and digital art producers.

Sounds exciting? You can learn more about Stories, Open Calls, and Showcases on Joyn here.

Until next time,

- Kaloh

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