5 Digital Artists to Watch: May 2023

A mix of generative coded art (long form and curated) and AI grabbed my attention over the past month...

Hi friends!

Excited to share the first piece in the Digital Artists to Watch series; if you aren’t sure how this works, here is a recap:

  1. I’ll share this piece monthly, including digital artists I discovered over that month.

  2. This isn’t about sales (check out the market reports for that). Expect a mix of artists selling for a few bucks to deep in the thousands.

  3. This article is for Premium members or those that referred at least one friend over the past month.

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Enough for the intro… Let’s get to the list.

Chelsea Jones

Chelsea is an AI artist who delves into the realms of reinterpretation and surrealism to create captivating works of art. In “The Dancing Banana,” Chelsea reimagines an oil painting from years past, drawing inspiration from the iconic figure of Josephine Baker. With a poignant purpose in mind, Chelsea aims to challenge the hypersexualization of black women and confront the male gaze that often objectifies them. This powerful piece becomes a conduit for reclaiming femininity and agency, fostering a deeper understanding of the complexity and strength of black identity.

The Dancing Banana by Chelsea

Furthermore, Chelsea's "Growing Up Black" collection serves as a heartfelt tribute to Black History Month, intertwining memories from childhood with a celebration of black culture. Chelsea breathes life into each artwork through a collaborative dance with AI, infusing them with a rich tapestry of history and personal experience.

Into the WildInto the Wild by Chelsea, part of Recollection of Illisions.

Into the Wild by Chelsea, part of Recollection of Illisions.

Paolo Čerić aka Patakk

Paolo Čerić, recently unveiled his latest collection, Drift, on verse.works. The release sparked such interest among collectors and fellow artists, that I couldn’t ignore it. Drift takes viewers on an enthralling voyage that seamlessly blends the realms of physical phenomena and digital artistry. With his expert use of particle systems and algorithmic techniques, Čerić crafts a visual experience that is truly one-of-a-kind.

Drift #403 by Paolo Čerić.

Drift #403 by Paolo Čerić.

Before Drift, Čerić made waves with a series of generative pieces on fxhash, eliciting a range of responses from audiences. While some lauded works like "dalekovod" and "char" for their exceptional quality, others found certain experimental pieces less captivating. Nevertheless, these earlier creations served as stepping stones towards the extraordinary depth and sheer beauty achieved in Drift, solidifying Čerić's reputation as a master of his craft.

dalekovod #79 by Paolo Čerić.

dalekovod #79 by Paolo Čerić.

Anika Vendel

Anika Vendel, a generative art, and illustrator, showcases her boundless talent through meticulously curated collections that leave a lasting impression. The two collections shine with a concise style that —in my opinion— seems to draw inspiration from the Japanese artist Qubibi. "Blue Ink Echoes" and "Lava Eruptions" stand as a testament to Vendel's artistic prowess.

BLE #25 by Anika Vendel part of Blue Ink Echoes.

BLE #25 by Anika Vendel is part of Blue Ink Echoes.

The "Lava Eruptions" collection, influenced by the formidable and destructive forces of volcanic eruptions, weaves together a mesmerizing tapestry of color, movement, and raw energy. On the other hand, "Blue Ink Echoes" embraces the ethereal echoes and reflections of ink, entwining abstract designs with a unique digital harmony that reflects the very essence of dreams.

Melting Horizons by Anika Vendel part of Lava Eruptions Collection.

Melting Horizons by Anika Vendel is part of Lava Eruptions Collection.

Anika's blockchain fingerprint only traces back six months, indicating that her digital artistic journey is just beginning. With such a promising start, it becomes a delightful prospect to witness the unfolding path she will tread in the future.

Kyle Mills

Kyle, the intrepid explorer of generative art, has been tirelessly pushing the boundaries of his craft since late 2021. With each passing endeavor, one witnesses a remarkable evolution in his skills and creative vision. It is within his latest offerings, "APERIODIC" and "STRANGE LANDS," that Kyle's journey reaches a captivating crescendo.



These two collections bleed a sense of maturity, bearing the mark of an artist who has diligently honed his craft. I detect the influence of established generative artists such as Kjetil Golid and Mathias Isaksen, a testament to Kyle's deep appreciation for the trailblazers who paved the way.



What could be next for Kyle?

David Szauder

Last but not least, the final artist I found this month - through his fantastic Instagram account - is David Szauder.

David draws upon a diverse background that encompasses both curation and creation. Having previously served as a curator for the Hungarian Cultural Institute in Berlin, Szauder possesses a keen understanding of the art world's intricate dynamics.


by David Szauder.

While Szauder has dabbled in the realm of NFTs, his focus lies not in frequent minting, but rather in crafting meticulously formulated pieces that carry profound meaning. In more recent times, he has embraced the integration of AI into his artistic process, leading him to forge a distinctive and vibrant style. Often featuring an array of creatures, animals, or rare individuals, Szauder's artworks come alive with a unique blend of colors and textures, captivating viewers and inviting them to explore the fascinating world he creates.

“What is your identity?” David Szauder.

“What is your identity?” David Szauder.

If you enjoyed this monthly edition, feel free to click the ❤️ button on this post so more people can discover it on Substack 🙏

Until next time,

- Kaloh

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