🧐 Weekly Updates, Tezos Power Rankings and FxHash Market Analysis

Hi There!

In case you missed it, here is what happened this week:

  • I published 4 Tricks NFT Artists Can Learn From Tech Product Managers. Product Managers use these techniques to set prices, monitor, attract an audience, and pivot when things aren't going the right way…

  • I made the first Tezos Power Rankings to look at the top PFP collections. A complete list of insights was published on Discord.

www.kaloh.xyz @Kaloh_nft

Time for #Tezos Power Rankings🏆 Added top projects based on their volume. 1/X 👇


12:37 AM ∙ Feb 8, 2022


FxHash Market Update (Less than 25-floor collections only)

Spreadsheet → https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_Vb_XkKSNKO-ymgSLH7AGLEhJ2eECV1FvljIdR_F3us/edit#gid=659578524

News and General Stat

  • I added new collections from nudoru (Orchard), dmarchi (Bravura), needleundernail (Oceans of Anxiety), and Mark Knol (Smolskull Flag).

  • The most important news is that $XTZ keeps going up, from $3.39 to $4.42.

  • The total volume takes a big hit, from almost 1k $XTZ to 593 $XTZ.Nevertheless, multiple collections gained over 100%.

  • FxHash reaches 2k artists, and total wallets go up from 14,9k to 15,6k.

Top Movers

  • Smolskulls Flag is the top moving collection after minting 1k pieces for 2 $XTZ. The floor is 7 $XTZ (249%).

  • Orr Kislev’s Still Life breaks the 20 $XTZ floor (+244%) and maintains a low number of listings (9.95%). I’ve been mentioning this collection in past updates as the % of listings has been going down aggressively. This seems to be a great validator that a low % of listings could convert into an increase in floor prices.

  • dmarchi’s Bavura mints out for 7.77 $XTZ and has a 20 $XTZ floor (+150%). His Aspergo collection takes a big hit (-50%) and has a 10 $XTZ floor right now.

  • wblut’s Field Equations went up from 20 $XTZ to 29 $XTZ (+45%).

  • Brutalist’s Entangled gains 20% and now has an 18 $XTZ floor.

Surprises and Opportunities

  • Deep Space by ge1doot continues to have good numbers, and the floor started to climb slowly (+0.72%). Only 8 pieces are listed for sale.

  • CENTURY-XXX-METAKELLY by REAS has less than 5% listed for sale, and the floor is 10 $XTZ. REAS has been in the generative art space for a long time; the only disadvantage is that his collections are huge (1k pieces each).

  • I am not sure what caused the volume reduction. It could be attributed to Tezos going up exactly $1. So if we adjust the volume to $, we end up having a similar volume to the last update.

  • I feel like monitoring Still Life collection and seeing how far it goes a lot of sense. It is wise to detect collections exhibiting a similar behavior (listings going down aggressively over time).

  • This week FxHash announced their roadmap plans, including a DAO, the FxHash token, curated areas, and the conversion to a new smart contract that will put an end to the Beta status. This is fantastic news when we think about the long-term implications. A strong and successful platform increases the value of the collections and artists.

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