📈 Holders Analysis for the Top 10 FxHash Collections

Let's look at the price paid by all the people that hold the collections at the moment...

Hi all!

Today, I’m looking at the price paid by all the people that hold the top FxHash collections. In other words, how much did current holders pay?

This could be valuable to understand different things like (I’m sure you can come up with additional use cases):

  • Potential new floors, either below or higher than the existing floor.

  • What percentage of the holders have held the piece since mint?

  • What percentage of the holders have already made significant returns (x10, x100, x1000?)

  • What collections have constantly been selling over time, and what collections had a significant spike in sales on a specific date?

Before getting started, I’d like to thank @GlenofStAlbans for helping out with the data and graphs (using the TezTok API) and also share a couple of reminders:

  • This isn’t financial advice. NFTs are very volatile, and you should always do your own research.

  • This report is purely analytical. I’m not analyzing collections from an artistic point of view. I do that in other articles.

The y-axis shows the price paid in Tezos. We aren’t considering the actual Tezos value at purchasing time to make things simpler.

The x-axis shows the days since the last sale, so 1 = yesterday, 30 = 1 month ago, etc.

10. Solace by lunarean

  • Average Price: 399 Tezos.

  • Median Price: 150.6 Tezos.

  • Total Volume: 109.3k Tezos.

  • Unique holders: 138 / 240 (57.5%).

Days since the latest sale and price for each Solace by lunarean

Days since the latest sale and price for each Solace by lunarean

The highest Solace sale happened around 3 months ago for 2.5k Tezos, and a decent amount of holders paid less than 250 Tezos. Solace has been selling consistently from 800 Tezos to 2k Tezos over the past 3 months. Interestingly, the median price paid by holders is 150 Tezos, which is tied for the second highest (with Garden, Monoliths) among this group of collections.

9. contrapuntos by Marcelo Soria-Rodriguez

  • Average Price: 141 Tezos.

  • Median Price: 5 Tezos.

  • Total Volume: 114.7k Tezos.

  • Unique holders: 370 / 773 (47.8%).

Days since the latest sale and price for each contrapuntos by Marcelo Soria-Rodriguez

Days since the latest sale and price for each contrapuntos by Marcelo Soria-Rodriguez

Contrapuntos holders paid 5 Tezos (median price) which is the lowest paid across these collections (even lower than RGBs). If you bought a contrapuntos at that price, you have gained 19900%!

Many holders entered at the 200 to 300 Tezos range, and the newer holders entered between the 800 to 1200 Tezos range. The highest sale happened recently for 1750 Tezos.

8. Uninhabitable by Iskra Velitchkova

  • Average Price: 350 Tezos.

  • Median Price: 78 Tezos.

  • Total Volume: 130.4k Tezos.

  • Unique holders: 229 / 350 (65.4%).

Days since the latest sale and price for each Uninhabitable by Iskra Velitchkova

Days since the latest sale and price for each Uninhabitable by Iskra Velitchkova

Three purchases stand out from this graph and happened ~3 months ago (~5.5k Tezos, 8k Tezos, and 10k Tezos). Nevertheless, after those sales, the collection stabilized, and the floor dropped to less than 1k Tezos (currently 775 Tezos).

7. SMOLSKULL by Mark Knol

  • Average Price: ? Tezos.

  • Median Price: ? Tezos.

  • Total Volume: 173k Tezos.

  • Unique holders: 815 / 2000 (40.75%).

Unfortunately, due to the number of transactions on SMOLSKULLs, we couldn’t generate the data from the blockchain.

SMOLSKULL by Mark Knol

6. Horizon(te)s by Iskra Velitchkova & Zach Lieberman

  • Average Price: 1163 Tezos.

  • Median Price: 900 Tezos.

  • Total Volume: 229.5k Tezos.

  • Unique holders: 240 / 400 (60%).

Days since the latest sale and price for each Horizon(te)s by Iskra Velitchkova & Zach Lieberman.

Days since the latest sale and price for each Horizon(te)s by Iskra Velitchkova & Zach Lieberman.

This collection has the highest median price paid by holders at 900 Tezos. The dutch auction sold out at 600 Tezos (although only a few minted at that level). Reserved pieces went for 100 Tezos many days after the release, in case you are wondering what those are at the bottom. Most of the current holders paid anywhere between 600 to 1750 Tezos.

This graph is very different from all the others because it had a high entry price and, therefore, one of the most profitable collections in primary sales (354.4k Tezos).

5. Dragons by William Mapan

  • Average Price: 424 Tezos.

  • Median Price: 80 Tezos.

  • Total Volume: 246.7k Tezos.

  • Unique holders: 296 / 512 (57.8%).

Days since the latest sale and price for each Dragons by William Mapan

Days since the latest sale and price for each Dragons by William Mapan

It is shocking to see how Dragons have been slowly but steadily increasing in many categories. We can almost see a perfect curve in the graph. Only 6 Dragons were purchased for more than the current floor price (3.4k Tezos), which happened around one month and a half ago.

4. (kinder)Garden, Monuments (kGM) by zancan & yazid

  • Average Price: 1198 Tezos.

  • Median Price: 512 Tezos.

  • Total Volume: 248.4kk Tezos.

  • Unique holders: 205 / 309 (66.3%).

Days since the latest sale and price for each kGM by zancan & yazid

Days since the latest sale and price for each kGM by zancan & yazid

Many holders entered above 2k Tezos price (the current floor is 4.2k Tezos). An outlier (highest sale) went for ~13k Tezos two weeks ago. This is the second collection in terms of median price paid by holders at 512 Tezos (after Horizon(te)s and also the second highest on the average price paid (just after Garden, Monoliths).

Coincidence or not, it is tied for the unique holders % with A Bugged Forest with 66.3%.

3. A Bugged Forest by zancan

  • Average Price: 420 Tezos.

  • Median Price: 50 Tezos.

  • Total Volume: 382k Tezos.

  • Unique holders: 663 / 1000 (66.3%).

Days since the latest sale and price for each A Bugged Forest by zancan.

Days since the latest sale and price for each A Bugged Forest by zancan.

The second solo drop from zancan has maintained a substantial volume and has been steadily increasing its floor to 1.4k Tezos from 200 Tezos mint. We can see collectors aggressively entering on the mint day between 200 Tezos to ~1250 Tezos. After that, most holders paid between 700 to 1k Tezos for A Bugged Forest.

As said earlier, this collection is tied in 1st place with (kinder) Garden, Monuments for the unique holders % with 66.3%.

2. RGB Elementary Cellular Automaton (RGB) by ciphrd

  • Average Price: 410 Tezos.

  • Median Price: 17 Tezos.

  • Total Volume: 440.7k Tezos.

  • Unique holders: 357 / 1000 (35.7%).

Days since the latest sale and price for each RGB by ciphrd.

Days since the latest sale and price for each RGB by ciphrd.

RGBs have the lowest median price paid by holders and the most inferior unique holders from this group of collections (35.7%). There was a significant spike in sales around 3 to 4 months ago. Surprisingly, the highest RGB sold was for 6k Tezos, and I can see one going for much more soon.

Many holders purchased at the 1k Tezos level, and another group has been recently entering at the 1.5k to 2.5k Tezos range.

1. Garden, Monoliths by zancan

  • Average Price: 2102 Tezos.

  • Median Price: 150 Tezos.

  • Total Volume: 545.3k Tezos.

  • Unique holders: 153 / 255 (48%).

Days since the latest sale and price for each Garden, Monoliths by zancan.

Days since the latest sale and price for each Garden, Monoliths by zancan.

The highest-ever FxHash sale is at the top left of the graph (75k Tezos). There weren’t any sales in two months and a half, which is consistent with the start of the bear market and the release of A Bugged Forest. Nevertheless, the floor stayed put. Many holders entered at the 5k Tezos, and a new group is entering at 15k to 20k, which is close to the current floor price.

The average holder paid over 2k Tezos for a Garden, Monolith, and is the highest average among all collections (as expected).

It is interesting to see how each collection followed a different path which makes it hard to make any predictions. There seems to be a difference in the course between those with a high mint price and those with a low mint price. I wonder if that factor could affect the long-term collection’s value, but only time will tell.

I’m sure there are more insights to gain from these graphs. I would love to read your thoughts or findings in the comments section.

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Until next time,

- Kaloh

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