💎 An Amusing Park You Need To Visit

This is the first edition of hidden gems...

Hello friends 👋,

Welcome to the first edition of the hidden gems.

Remember the yearly recap I sent a few days ago? I mentioned shaking things up with new content. Here's a fresh slice: hidden gems is all about uncovering the under-the-radar brilliance in the blockchain art world.

The goal is pretty simple. Loads of intriguing objects that get lost in the noise have been created. This is your weekly spot to find those neat things —the ones that I personally find intriguing.

I’ll send this curation every Sunday.

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Let’s get started…

💎 Gem of the day

Amusing Park by Roope Rainisto

Roope Rainisto's art is special because it mixes dream-like ideas with modern digital skills, making eye-catching pictures and videos that make you think differently.

'Amusing Park' captures a nostalgic summer day at a whimsical amusement park. Vintage striped umbrellas and pastel-toned rides evoke a retro vibe, while leisurely park-goers add a lively atmosphere amidst verdant trees under a clear blue sky.

This piece is part of the Post Real collection, an evergrowing collection where Roope shares extracts from his experimentations.

About Roope Rainisto

Roope Rainisto is a Finnish artist who integrates AI with traditional artistry in photography, crafting surreal and emotionally impactful works. With a 25-year design career and a Master's in Information Networks, he's a pioneer in AI-based post-photographic expression, blending the real with the virtual.

Roope worked at Microsoft as a Principal Designer and has been curated by Braindrops, verse, Expanded Art, and Fellowship, among others.

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📕 Interesting Read

Decoding Digital Identity by dr3a

dr3a wrote how our online identities have changed just like the internet itself. It started with simple nicknames in the early days of the web and then moved to detailed profiles in the social media era. Now, in the world of Web3, we have more control over who we are online.

Read it here.

🔐 Product to Watch

Trezor Model T Hardware Wallet

Security is important, especially in the blockchain space. Sleep well, knowing your digital collection is protected by Trezor. The sleek, stylish & secure Model T hardware wallet has a vivid touchscreen, Shamir Backup, and on-device transaction confirmation.

Trezor Model T

Get one here!

😆 Meme of the Week

Legendary Artist’s Christmas Trees

What’s your favorite tree? Mine is Basquiat’s.

artist's trees

Did you know that my PFP is a Basqunk by Culla —inspired by CryptoPunks in Basquiat style?

Until 2024,

- Kaloh

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