šŸ¦ Tezos PFPs Market Analysis Update!

It has been almost 3 months since I analyzed the Tezos PFP market...

Hi everyone!

I decided to look at the Tezos PFP (profile picture) market since it has been three months since the last update. Love them or hate them, pfps are an essential part of the NFT economy, and they introduce many into the space.

Tezos has been very hot despite the NFT bear market, did this translate to the PFP collections? Letā€™s take a look.

As always, two reminders. Look at this article if this is your first reading of my analysis, and remember this isnā€™t financial advice. Do your own research!

Link to the spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1assEHvxS2PtmaL_QFyCg8H7iJCXki-Xder7KDIQRtOc/edit?usp=sharing

Tezos PFP market analysis - 10th of June 2022

Tezos PFP market analysis - 10th of June 2022

Tezos General Stats

  • Tezos went down since the last update (around March) from $3.28 to $2.10.

  • Tezos total volume in transactions and contract calls went down month by month from February to April but reported improvements in May.

Tezos general stats taken from TzStats

Tezos general stats taken from TzStats

  • Regarding floor prices, the average floor price went up by 21% when counted in XTZ. Nevertheless, they went down by -22% when adjusted to dollars.

  • The listings went down by 5% and now sit at 11% listed for sale on average (strong results, most FxHash collection groups have 20% listings on average).

Top Movers

  • The most significant gains since the last update come from the Smolskulls FxHash generative collection. The Smolskulls OG gained 374%, and the floor is now 389 Tezos. The ASCII Smolskulls gained over 200%, and the floor is 500 Tezos (used to be 157 Tezos).

  • The biggest news (and the only new PFP collection added to the list) are the FxHash Unicorns by Sergey Tarasenko and Agata Poison. This is the first 10k collection on FxHash to mint out. It minted for 0.5 Tezos, and the floor is now 8 Tezos (1500%).

  • The Neonz were the last collection that stayed in the green (when adjusted to dollars). The floor increased from 12 Tezos to 21.6 Tezos (+80%).

  • In terms of unique holders, BWOPLE increased from 122 individual holders to 160 (+98%). This stat suggests each item in the collection is owned by a different person. Nevertheless, I canā€™t verify this as it could easily be faked with multiple wallets from the same person (just for the record, not saying they are doing that). EDIT: Real holders distribution is 51%. I made a mistake when inputting the data.

  • DogamĆ­ has an outstanding market value ($5M) due to its number of items (8k) and floor price (298 Tezos). The closest is the Tezzards, with a market value of $1,7M, followed by the Smollskuls OG at $1.6M.

Surprises and Opportunities - Premium Subscribers Only

The pfp market seems to have slowed down considerably over the past months. Tezos PFPs arenā€™t the exception, as there arenā€™t many new collections producing considerable volume. If you genuinely believe in pfps, this might be a good time to jump into some of these collections, especially the iconic ones with significant losses like the Tezzards. Everyone needs at least one, right?

Top collections by low # of listings:

Top collections by unique holders %:

Top collections by PTFR:

Top collections by PTFRwS:

Dangerous territory - low unique holders. These two collections have less than 16% of unique holders, which means a significant % of the collection is held by a small group of people.

Until next time,

- Kaloh

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